Here she is!! Ain't she
perty! My little angel...or devil...depending on the day! My little Honda 90. She sure has been good to me over these last few years. Ev fixed 'er up and made her real special for me. She purrs like a kitten and climbs those treacherous terrains Evan hauls me through. Even while I was pregnant I trusted no one else but her. She's
orange. Yep, that's the way I like 'er. Evan has an
orange KTM so we're kinda twins. If you notice the
bear skin seat/rug, Evan decided to upholster last summer to make her real soft for me to sit on. What a
sweetheart. Shout out to Ev for this upcoming
Valentines. Always watching out for #1!! So thoughtful and sweet. Not really, he needed somewhere to put that bear skin of his. I personally find it a little distracting on my tough trails. I worry the other bears might smell their own kind and come runnin'. But all in all. I love her!! She's just my size! I've got a little rack on the back to put "things" in. You know, things I might need...lipgloss, my cell phone, Mack, Brooklyn, just stuff. No clutch is needed for this bad girl. It's automatic. I just let off the gas and shift her when needed. She's on good one. I think she's a keeper. This is one purchase I hestitated at first and made a fuss but am sure glad I gave in. I just thought you all might want to see this piece of art of mine.