Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Someone has put me to the test this last month. This little girl was an angel and slept through the night at 1 1/2 months. Life was good. I get more sleep after I had her than before. Things were going great....and THEN...3:00a.m....then 6:00a.m. Guess who wakes up twice in the night this last month. HELP! We have been really busy this month with vacations and family in town so our schedule has been a little jacked. This week I was determined to get this little girl back on track with Baby Boot Camp, as my sis-in-law Sarah likes to put it. Well, I tried, the screaming went and went and went and went. I put her in her bed today for two different naps and she cried and cried..not to mention she is teething. When I went back to check on her after there was silence for a few minutes..this is what I found.

Here she is on the side of her crib where she YELLS out the door for someone to come and rescue her.
Here's another one where she fell asleep. Keep in mind, this was in the same day...TODAY!
Oh yes, and here she is acting like nothing is wrong, smellin' like a rose! Like the world revolves around her or does! I'm saying that this is all a phase and going with that. I could use some help. Should I just rock her to sleep in the middle of night, feed her, let her bawl her brains out, or start cohabitating in the same bed?..jk on the last one.


holly said...

give her 1/2 a bottle and leave, do you have a little fan? I could'nt have made it without one for each baby, it makes it so they can't hear any small noises, and you can still hear them but a little muffled. Max fell asleep like that (my only one sitting upright)out of all of them, she is so stinkin cute and I mean "stinking"

Liz said...


I feel your pain...little Gracie Pooh (as cute as she is) isn't into the whole sleeping at night thing right now either. She's dozy all day, and then 10:30 pm hits and she is wide awake and ready to party. I love her a lot, but making it on 3 hours of sleep a night is kicking my butt. So, I guess I don't have any helpful advice for you, but I hope you get a good night's sleep SOON. Good luck with things!

P.S. The pictures of Brooklyn are VERY cute

Tara said...

Oh poor lil Brooklyn, wiped out from screaming and crying for help only to fall asleep against her crib, so sad yet soooo cute! My kids all had phases of waking up in the middle of the night, and sometimes the sippy cup of water worked, but if they woke up a second time I throw them in bed and get some sleep:) Who doesn't love a little snuggle bunny right? More like, by morning I'm shoved to one edge of the bed with Cole hanging on his edge and Cala peacefully sleeping horizontally between us, with no interference in her sleepy dreams. So, maybe don't start that habit, it's a hard one to break. I say, after rocking her and reading her a book or two, put her in bed and let her work it out herself, she'll learn that mom means business:) Do I sound like such a mean and crazy mom? Despite that, luckily my kids seem pretty normal to me?!? OK, let's keep it "politically correct" and say try trial and error, something is bound to work:)