It's not really a Christmas Extravaganza but I just like to say it!
Here is our new family of 4. Can you believe I have two kids? I know weird, but strangely I love it! I swear, I was blessed with two sweet kiddos to balance out the craziness in me. Does that make sense? .....exactly!

We had a great Christmas with Ev's fam in Utah. It was way to short. We blessed Will along with my niece, Jillian. It was fun to share that with Sara!

Love this! Brookie got some sweet "extensions" for Christmas. She LOVED hanging out with her cousins.

The kiddos ready for Santa on Christmas Eve!

PS: I'm totally going private! I know I know annoying but all the peer pressure is telling me to aka: tara...jk! So send me your email and I'll hook you up to the coolest blog EVER.