Sunday, July 31, 2011


It is an eternal struggle to get him to look at me when I take his picture. FINALLY, he did it! Can he get any cuter....I think not!


tyler said...

He is a cutie for sure. Bummed I didn't get to see you longer than 5 seconds! Take care!

tyler said...

It's Jayna, not TYler! Sorry! :)

Andrea Cutler said...

He cannot get any cuter! Love those little out girls!!! So fun to see you...hurry back soon!

Lee Family said...

He is CUTE! and so is that quilt and I was hoping to find a new post but alas, I will check again.
Love ya Em. I loved seeing you in Utah although it was too short. we will never get our BYU days back but I still think about them - good times.